Sunday, July 14, 2013

STAYING HAPPY, Thoughts of a Christian on How to Dwell

For now I'm taking a break from the controversy stuff, mainly because I have more than enough to research at the moment, stories to write, and my own personal seeds that need watering. But there is something I'd like to share. I know people who can keep pretty mellow even though they feel the way I do about things; to them it's nothing more than a shrug when life takes a turn for the dark. I see a lot of posts on here that tightens the guts of anxiety when I read them, there are a lot things that fuel worry. But we can't worry ourselves all the time.

History is chalked full of dark times, one of the eras is even labeled "The Dark Ages", brutality, doubt, a loss of faith; none of these things are new concepts. Another concept that is not new, is that we have an energy to us. It can be recorded by today's technology. We can actually have a great control over things when know how to tap into it. Some beliefs call it magic, some have other ideas, but as a Christian I believe that it is part of the design of God. How anyone can take a peak at the code of the universe and not believe in some kind of creator is beyond me. We think our super-computers are so great, but the very code of everything makes us look like chumps. The thing we need to keep in mind, is that God gave us the ability to deal and to handle anything.

I won't tell anyone what to believe, it's their right. But for us, those of us who believe in God, not only should we be thankful, not only should we always respect God's authority, but we also have gifts that we have yet to really use.

You may think I have gone completely nuts, but both science and the Bible talks about how our attitude can be contagious. Do you ever have a bad time at home or at work, and then your anger, or anxiety spreads to everyone else? Of course they might be dealing with the same banes as you, but I mean specifically. When you feel a spike of anger and you hold it back but then someone else punches a wall, or throws an object. They are acting out what you're feeling.

Or when people as a majority want the same thing that wasn't even a desire before. People are not just programmable, but some of this comes from us. We're connected, and we emit energy. This energy has a power. Now we may not change the things that haunt us, but we can change ourselves, which might inspire a change in another, then they inspire a change in another. And since we are all connected, who we become, which then grows and evolves can be felt whether or not people pick up on it.

Sometimes people are nicer to me than normal, and they want nothing in return. the people I refer to is uncharacteristic of them, but of course I take it. Now for us Christians, we also have supernatural attacks that increase when we try to get back on the beat and path. Those who aren't Christians can roll their eyes at me, and I might do the same in their shoes, but it's the truth from my experiences. But, we can fight what comes against us.

God didn't give us all of this power just to waste it or to try to become like Him. Instead He gave us these gifts to make the world better, and to fight the powers of darkness. The thing is that so many people just don't believe in miracles anymore, the closest you get are those other beliefs that call it magic. But even Christians are losing faith. Just because we don't see a modern day Moses, or Jesus skipping along the water (or turning it into wine for that matter) people assume the miracles are done with. Forget the super-code that we are discovering, forget the fact that it has been documented that we possess a power that can control the planet itself if we were to figure out how, forget the fact that our very life force can alter the PH level in water, or have an effect on technology which has all been proven in labs. You want miracles? Look at the world around you (obviously a creation that continues to change). Look at the terrifying things that we either hide from, or use to get others scared, look at those things dead on, you will see the code of God. Sure, like always man is using a lot of it for the wrong reasons, but it's there.

I'm not perfect, and I have days where that old spirit of despair peels my resolve like an orange. But I AM POWERFUL. Yes, I am. Do I not have the power of the spirit of a man who died and came from life within me? The very man who gave a bind person their sight? Who walked on water?  No weapon formed against us shall prosper. No, that doesn't mean we can't die, just means that nothing that man creates can kill who we really are.

For He is within us, we are mighty, but never mightier than Him. People don't want to believe in God, okay. But they too have power. The very power that the God they don't want to believe in gave them. They have experienced things they probably didn't realize was this power. Maybe they have a system with it, maybe not. This power comes on the whims of emotion, enlightenment, hope. When our despair breaks like a fever, and suddenly we're empowered. Maybe it's just a psychological reaction, but our psychology is tied into this power.

More and more the abilities that we possess is coming out via technology and lab tests. But that's just the very, very, very, very beginning. Like the prologue of a prequel. No matter how much we map ourselves out, or the rest of the universe, there will always be secrets to be discovered. I always said that I believe the entire universe, all of God's creation and the supernatural world itself could be broken down to a math equation. Though I doubt there's enough room in the universe to support the proverbial blackboard to display it, but I do believe the answers are there.

The world is getting darker, people growing more fouler. Freedoms taken away, and we are becoming more and more pawns in the games of others. We cannot change the stubborn will of the human race, for they too are mighty in their own ways. But we have the power to change us. We have the power to inspire others. We have the power to drive back the feeble hits of darkness that try to soak us in despair. For we have something many don't. We have God. Those who do not will lose everything when the ones they love are gone, while we will pick up the shards of our existence and move on. Cry we may, limping along our paths, we will still have more. We will still have that power. When there is nowhere left to go, or we're imprisoned for who we are, or maybe we just deal with a PC world that wishes to tell us how to believe, we will take confidence in knowing we're mighty. In knowing that greater is He in me, than he that is in the world. The devil is nothing more than a fake. He plays on people, uses tactics to make them not believe in him. Whatever. He uses shock and awe to disorientate us, sweet, yummy lies that sound soooo good to those who don't believe. But he also uses such lies to those who do, even to those that stay in the faith. The Christians who stay that hurt the faith are the worst enemy to the church than any other. The sinner is not the enemy, if anything they need us. If for no other reason to love them and to care. But so does our enemy, the fractured Christian. They may do the greatest harm, but they need us just as bad.

Truth is, the power of darkness only has power through people who allow it. Just as our power only works when we allow it. We must not dwell on despair, we must live as if we have already fulfilled our goals, as if we are what we strive to be. To be positive is the flow of our power. To be of great cheer when the storms of life ram us, when we are made public enemy number one, we will remind ourselves that it's others needing saving, we're bought by the blood of the lamb. Despair? For what? Because the world is chewing us up? The world is just acting out a part from the script that has been in the Book since long before this generation.

Deep stuff, I know, but it serves to remind us why to stay positive. Right now we can sit in air-conditioned homes, see stupid news happenings on Facebook or CNN. We can still do the things that constitute as normal. We can still go to church, say I love you to those who matter; be thankful for those things. Be happy for those blessings. And be thankful for the blessings and gifts that God gives us, so if we do go through hell on Earth (or maybe not what's listed above, but instead just personal strife), that we will be equipped for it.

Just like Peter on the water, when we stop looking at Him, we sink. Faith of a mustard seed can do wonders. We have this ability, we can make it happen. We can do what others don't believe, we have a solace that few will know. Offer solace to those who are in need, love them, respect them, for this renews us as well. Do what He commands, and no matter where our lives take us, we will be mighty, we will be fulfilled, we will be happy!

On a side note:

I never want to sound like I don't take people serious. Yes, those who are there for us are very important. I love all of you who have been there for me over the years and even now. You guys have helped me so much. And no matter where your faith, or lack there of comes from, I still thank God for knowing you. You're gifts as far as I'm concerned. Beautiful gifts at that. If I ever say something that comes out wrong and offensive, please know that I never mean to. You're important to me. It's easy to think everything in my head comes out right when I type it only to find out later that it doesn't.

What I mean by some of this post is that, what do we do when the ones we love are gone? How do we keep going? Without those who matter there is nothing left of us. By having God, we always have some kind of solace, hope, love, humility, etc.

You might very well have your own answers, and fair enough. But to be honest, without God, in that situation I'd truly have nothing. Because either in normal life, or worst case scenario, I could lose all of those who matter to me. I could very easily end up alone and in the worst state you can ever imagine. Without taking control of the power I've been talking about, and focusing on God, I honestly don't know how I could make it.

I've seen a lot of people that are falling into ruts, I wish I could help them, and I do the best I can. But I'm only human. I can't bring them solace, hope, salvation. All I can do is say I love you, I wish I could help you, maybe crack some jokes; but despite all of my power, I've yet to discover a way to really make an impact. Find your hope where you will, and I wish you the very best. I will do what I can to be here for you when you need a friend.

Dale E.

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