Friday, July 5, 2013

MAN of Silk

I can be pretty bold, but there are limits to my power. Actually, I'm quite weak. Aside from stubbornness, this human shell does a great job of keeping me from where I need to be. Two things that isn't so easy to will away: fear and addiction. I'm not into drugs, nothing like that. I'm probably considered a goodie-two-shoes among those with the real problems. But the thing is, I'm still human. I'm just a man trying to be Superman, which is great until I try to punch through a brick wall or leap into the air expecting to soar. The only power I really have is something that most people will laugh and roll their eyes at. My power is becoming more and more against the law, or at the very least against what's acceptable. Fear clenches my guts, I see the world shifting, but what would scare me more is selling out. I think that's where the stubbornness comes from. There are days where I shine and stand triumph, but the weakness of being human always smacks me down.

Using myself as an example here, this sort of thing happens to everyone who cares, and who believes in something greater. Don't look at me like I'm Superman living the perfect Christian mold. What I am is a broken human with a long path of sin who's trying desperately to find my way back.

It's not just enough being a Christian, it's not enough warming a church pew, it's not enough to read your Bible. Those things are great, but that's only a tiny piece. Being a Christian isn't a religion, it's a relationship with Christ. And like any great relationship, that means that it's also a life style. This isn't like getting a merit badge that you pin to your chest when you dawn a uniform, this is something that's pinned to your soul, but something that you can lose touch of. Two things today smacked me down (nothing too secretive), which actually brought me up from my own humanish issues. But it does make me think. We are who we are, and part of who we are, are seekers. We seek out something better than ourselves. Something we can depend on and have faith in when there's nothing left. We seek out what bears the greatest truth, and we cling to it like a cat stuck in a tree. Or so we should.

Those who don't believe find their own answers, granted not the right ones, but that's their choice. I'm not saying that it's wrong to minister, but we also need to keep focused on ourselves so that we can stand stronger, and lean on others like us for greater support. In the end, next to God, we will be all we have. For however long that last, but the more we stand together, the stronger we become in our own walk. We need each other.

Don't let fear or any other kind of weakness keep you down. Don't let the world try to change who you are. The only One who gets to decide that is the Big Man. Everyone else can either support you, or get out of the way.  

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