Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Splitting Realities

Today I have a few things to discuss, this isn't just a one topic post. I don't know what it is, but my spirit has been very vocal as of late. You don't have to believe in God, but my spirit nags me when things need my attention. 

You can call me crazy if you want, I've been called worse. But there has been an awakening in me that I just can't ignore. So here goes.

Topic one: Staying Sane

"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with dirty feet." ~Gandhi

While Gandhi wasn't a Christian, he was indeed a very wise man. The problem is that with many of us, we have a crappy firewall for keeping out poisonous thoughts or people. ME INCLUDED! This has been one of my weaknesses that I've nothing but trouble at dealing with.

The thing is, people have a bad habit of invading. We can shut the door our minds to others, but some people have the ability to kick the door down. Their destructive personality, the type of hold they may have on our lives.

This is one I can only help those who believe. You have to dwell on God as much as possible. Pray whenever you can. You might be stuck dealing these mind-invaders, but we carry within ourselves the power of a man who died and came back again, we carry the Son of God inside of us, and though this does not make us God it does make us mighty so long as we follow His will. Pray. Pray. And pray. Pray not just for your own strength, but for the salvation of the ones who try to trudge through your mind with dirty feet.

Topic two: The Christian and the Atheist

A friend posted meme with this quote, and I felt from a Christian point of view the need to show another side.

"If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness." ~A phrase carved into a concentration camp cell by a Jewish prisoner.

My response:

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." ~Corrie Ten Boom

Funny thing about a dismal situation is that you find a lot of varying views. Some would say in a Nazi concentration camp, "who would still believe in any kind of god?" And it's a good question, but Corrie Ten Boom did. And though not everyone will agree with her faith, I have to hand it to her for staying strong. This woman went through a lot, I remember reading about her years back when I first heard this quote:

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." ~Corrie Ten Boom

Some look to themselves for salvation, and some look to God while the rest of us split between those who give up, and those who only live to survive.

I won't tell anyone what to think, but this pendulum swings both ways. Showing an engraving of a person who gave up is no more, or no less powerful than showing someone who didn't. And the reason I say it's on the same level is because it's a powerful statement to see someone suffer, and to see them give up hope. It's just a different kind of a powerful statement.

People look outside of God to widen their enlightenment, but sometimes this works by looking back to God. It's human kind's choice in what they believe or follow, but a right everyone has. No belief structure, no Government, no law will ever take away that right. They can try, but you cannot take what the person believes away. When someone gives up on believing something, is done so by their choice. When someone sticks to their beliefs, it's done so by their choice.

Topic three: Me

Did you know that I'm the master of many things? I'm the master of sin, cowardice, anger, resentment, and the list goes on. This is not a list of good things another word for it is, "human". Truth is I'm not better than anyone, not from any point of view. If anything sets me apart, it's that I'm continuing to reach out to better myself. I'm not satisfied with being human. I'm not satisfied with feeling empty. I'm not satisfied with being set apart from God. I'm not satisfied with hiding within myself from fear. These things will not do.

The facts about me is that I care enough to work on me. I need to better myself,  need to be more. I can't just let myself slip into an abyss. I have to keep working toward a positive outcome. Even if the world won't let me live the way I want to, I can at least work at living as the person I want to be.

Some reference links:


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