Thursday, August 14, 2014

Toxic Relationships | by Cher Bliss

 By Cher Bliss

Too many times I have seen women enter into toxic relationships and then either feel stuck in them, are blind to it because they think they are in love, or they think the guy will change.  I, for one, was one of those women.  I can tell you, from experience, that they won’t change unless they really want to and they have God helping them. 

I thought, because my boyfriend was a Christian and he prayed to God and studied the bible, that, for sure, he would change.  I just knew God would convict his heart and he would change.  I would break up with him, too many times to count, in hopes that by losing me he would change.  God will show us signs, before we get too involved, whether or not that relationship will be edifying and God-glorifying or not. 

One thing, us women, tend to ignore is our brains and the signs from God.  We tend to think with our hearts too much.  Let me tell you right now…if your boyfriend is not treating you like a queen with the utmost love and respect right now, he will certainly NOT do it when you get married.  Marriage is not the answer.  If anything, it will only get worse and he will get more controlling or less affectionate and interested in you because he has secured you and you can’t go anywhere now. 

Your boyfriend should be treating you the way he would treat you when you get married.  It is important to see all sides of a person before making a commitment to them.  Some important things to ask yourself, before committing to anyone, are the following:

  • Does your boyfriend/husband:
  • Yell and scream at you
  • Call you names
  • Belittle you in any way
  • Make you feel stupid
  • Think his way is the only way and he will never learn from you
  • Tell you how to dress and when to wear makeup
  • Time you when you go to the store and want to know every step you made when you were there
  • Accuse you of things constantly
  • Not trust you for no reason
  • Isolate you from your friends and family
  • Get physical with you when angry
  • Punish you
  • Constantly pointing out your flaws
  • Have an obsessive need to be with you every minute of every day
  • Require to tell him every word that any male says to you, even if it’s a simple good morning
  • Get insanely jealous over every little thing

If he displays any of these behaviors, he is NOT loving you as God commands him to love his woman.  A man can have some really good qualities and be so romantic and loving at times, but then turn around, in a split second, and display the behaviors above.  Don’t be fooled by his charm and romantic gestures.  Love is a lot more than romance.

Some women also get caught up in the “submit to your husbands” rule.  What they fail to realize is that everyone, including men, submit to a higher power…God.  God commands men to first love their wives.  Let’s examine what it means to LOVE your wife.

God says to love your wife as Christ loves the Church.  That would include, but not limited to:

  • Be encouraging
  • Be uplifting
  • Make you feel loved
  • Pray for you
  • Lead you spiritually to God
  • Be a servant to you
  • Be willing to die for you
  • Protect you
  • Provide for you
  • Take care of you in all areas (emotionally, physically, etc.)
  • Submit to you

Does your man do all this for you?  Does he treat you like you are God’s daughter?  He should be treating you as he would want another man to treat his own daughter.  You are God’s daughter and are very precious and should be treated as such. 

On the other hand, us women need to treat our men the same way.  We are to submit unto each other and love each other.  We are also to respect our husbands.  Do we respect our husbands and appreciate the sacrifices they make for us? 

A Toxic Relationship can go both ways here.  Are you not loving and respecting your husband?  You need to ask yourself that question.  Are you making yourself available to love or to receive love from your husband?  Your husband may want to love you, but you don’t treat him with love and respect.  It works both ways here, ladies. 

If you are having marital problems, try loving your husband first.  And don’t just do one thing and give up.  It may take a while for your husband to see the change in you.  Make sure you are consistent so he knows he can trust that you aren’t going back to your old ways.  Once he realizes this, he will respond to your love.  He won’t be able to help but respond to you.  Most men react to what you do.  So if you treat him good, he will treat you good. 

Marriage is a selfless act of love.  It is a decision to love (in the action sense) our spouse forever.  It’s a decision to give up all our selfish desires for our spouse.  Marriage means we are to serve our spouse and sacrifice our happiness for theirs.  But here’s the catch…if we are sacrificing and making our spouse happy, then our spouse will do the same in return and sacrifice their happiness for ours.  If this is done, then both spouses will be happy. 

Some advice for single women:

If your boyfriend is not loving you the right way now, then you need to leave that relationship.  It WILL NOT get better when you get married.  Put that idea out of your head.  Marriage does not make things better, it just complicates them.  Before you get married, your relationship needs to be more than good.  He needs to be loving you as described above.  If he is not doing that now, he will not do it in marriage.  This is the time to see if he would make a good spouse.  This time is the prep for marriage.  He needs to have the character already built into him before marriage.  YOU cannot change him.  Only God can do that and ONLY if he wants to.  Don’t even waste your precious time on a man that does not know how to love you or God.  In order to serve God, he must be able to serve you.

Advice for the married ladies:

Check yourself first and make the necessary changes you need to make.  Set an example for your husband.  Show him he can trust you.  Then start asking him to do bible studies with you or read devotionals together.  Go to church together and serve him.  He will get the idea and start reacting to you.  Don’t give up. 

I hope you have been blessed with this and may God bless you and your relationship.

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